
Application of cedar nut shells

Cedar nuts have become widespread because of their taste and medicinal properties. They are small, pale-yellow kernels that are full of important microelements and vitamins for health. However, it is not only the grains of the cedar tree that have useful properties.


Useful properties of pine nut oil

Pine nut oil has a pleasant taste, easily assimilated by the body, is widely used for both cosmetic and nutritional purposes. It is able to enhance immunity, so it is suitable for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.


Protein, fat, carbohydrates, calories (PFC)

Pine nuts are a rich source of macro- and microelements, healthy fats and vitamins. They are dark brown kernels that have a distinct taste and aroma. They are commonly called cedar nuts, but in fact they are the seeds of the Siberian tree.


Where cedar nuts are used

Cedar nuts are the fruits of Siberian pine with a pleasant taste and aroma. It is a source of a whole complex of vitamins, amino acids and useful microelements. Cedar nuts are widely used for medicinal and preventive purposes.


Benefits of pine nuts for men

Fruits of Siberian pine or as they are also called pine nuts - a product high in micro- and macronutrients, vitamins, amino acids and healthy fats. They help to treat and prevent many diseases. Siberian pine nuts are especially useful for men's health.


Vitamins and trace elements of pine nuts

Cedar nuts are a rich source of a number of micro- and macronutrients and vitamins. They normalize almost all processes in the body. Their consumption can reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer.


Pine nuts when breastfeeding

The diet of a nursing mother directly affects the quality of breast milk. Pine nuts are a rich source of vitamins and useful trace elements, but many women wonder if they can be eaten while breastfeeding, and whether the baby will have an allergic reaction? How many nuts per day can be eaten?


Pine nut storage

Cedar nuts are the seeds of a pine tree that grows in Siberia. They are known for their medicinal properties and pleasant taste. However, among all common types of nuts, pine kernels are considered to be the most perishable. Therefore, there are a lot of questions about their storage.


Where the pine nut grows

The name pine nuts refers to the fruits of several plant species that belong to the pine family. Their range of distribution covers the whole world, but the most popular and widespread is the so-called Siberian cedar. This is a pine tree, which gives edible cones with seeds after 20 years of growth.


Chemical composition of pine nuts

The useful properties of pine nuts are due to their chemical composition, which includes a large number of micro- and macro-elements. Although they are called nuts conventionally, Siberian pine seeds can fully meet the daily requirement of humans in phosphorus and magnesium.


Pine nuts in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a responsible period for any woman, when it is necessary to carefully monitor the diet. The health of the future mother and fetus depends on the selected food, its nutritional and beneficial properties. Experts recommend consuming nuts, especially pine nuts, during pregnancy.


Pine nuts for children

Pine nuts are a tasty and healthy snack, satiating the body with B vitamins, as well as vitamin C, A, K and E. They are a source of phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium. They contain a number of essential amino acids that come into the body only with food.

