Pine nuts are a tasty and healthy snack, satiating the body with B vitamins, as well as vitamin C, A, K and E. They are a source of phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium. They contain a number of essential amino acids that come into the body only with food. Cedar seeds are useful for both adults and children. They very rarely cause allergic reactions, unlike other types of nuts, so they can be given even to young children from 2 years.
In fact, they are called nuts conditionally, since from a biological point of view - these are the seeds of a coniferous pine belonging to the cedar family. The fruits of this tree are known for their taste and medicinal qualities. It is a source of a number of micro- and macronutrients, which are necessary for the proper and normal development of any child.
At what age can children be given pine nuts
Experts usually do not recommend including nuts in children's diets. This is due to the high risk of developing an allergic reaction. However, pine seeds are not nuts and they are the least allergenic. They can be given to a child from the age of 3 years. And this is only if the child is not predisposed to allergies and he previously had no more reactions to other types of nuts or products.
The exact amount of Siberian cedar seeds depends on the age:
- from 3 years old the baby can be given from 3-5 grams of seeds - at the same time, it is worth limiting the use of other products that were not previously included in the child's diet, so that in the case of an allergic reaction, the cause can be identified;
- if after using cedar nuts the child did not have skin rashes, digestive problems or gas, you can increase the dosage of the seeds to 20 grams - that's about a tablespoon of fruit;
- up to the age of 5 it is recommended to limit the use of Siberian pine nuts to 2 times a week;
- By the age of 7 the dosage can be increased to 3-4 times a week - a baby can be given up to 30 grams per day.
Cedar seeds - an indispensable product for normal physical and mental development of the baby during active growth. In addition, they are needed during the period when permanent teeth begin to set.
It is desirable to combine the use of nuts with other plant foods. This increases their digestibility by the body and reduces the load on the digestive system. It is not recommended to give pine seeds with sweets, meat or other fatty foods..
The benefits of pine nuts for children
Siberian pine nuts are useful for children because they contain easily digestible protein, vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Their regular use allows:
- increase the immune system of the baby;
- normalize hormonal levels;
- improve mental abilities;
- reduce excitability;
- improve the condition of the nervous system;
- protect the eyesight from negative effects;
- Increase the strength of the teeth;
- improve metabolism and blood health.
Coniferous pine nuts are also needed during the recovery period after heavy physical or mental activity, diseases suffered.
The harm of pine nuts
Despite the high usefulness of cedar kernels, do not forget that they can also cause harm to the children's body, if they are used incorrectly or in large quantities. The use of the product should be completely excluded in the presence of a pronounced allergic reaction in the form of:
- skin rashes;
- stool disorders;
- flatulence;
- intestinal colic.
Upon detection of such manifestations in the baby, it is worth excluding nuts from the diet for another 1-2 years. As the child's body develops, it learns to cope with many food allergens on its own, which allows nuts to be re-introduced as an adult.
Pine seeds are highly discouraged to give children if there are the following health problems:
- Chronic diseases of the digestive system;
- Stool disorder.
Nuts should also be given to the baby in limited quantities, if he has a tendency to gain excess weight, but no more than 2 times a week.
Damage to both children's and adults' bodies can be caused by spoiled pine seeds. Expired kernels have an unpleasant smell, a bitter taste and an uncharacteristic, dark green color. Fresh seeds have a light yellow hue, a smooth surface and a pleasant taste.
When can children be given pine nuts
You should not eat nuts on an empty stomach in order to avoid excessive strain on the digestive system of the child's body. It is worth giving them to your baby 1-2 hours after a meal in the morning or at lunchtime. Consumption of pine seeds in the evening may increase the baby's tone, which will have a negative impact on night sleep.