Fruits of Siberian pine or as they are also called pine nuts - a product high in micro- and macronutrients, vitamins, amino acids and healthy fats. They help to treat and prevent many diseases. Siberian pine nuts are especially useful for men's health.
What are the benefits of pine nuts for men?
The benefits of pine nuts are due to their rich composition. They contain:
- vitamins (A, C, E, K, group B);
- tannins;
- esters;
- tannins;
- easily digestible proteins (99% digestible);
- carbohydrates;
- fatty acids;
- mineral elements;
- dietary fiber.
Arginine for potency: the amino acid of youth
Arginine is the main substance in the composition of Siberian pine kernels, which has a beneficial effect on the male body. It is an amino acid, which is produced by the body itself, but only in conditions of emotional peace and absence of stress. Its deficiency is especially felt with age. Older men almost always have a shortage of arginine. When it is deficient, the following processes begin in the male body:
- acceleration of aging;
- reduction in the volume of seminal fluid;
- reduced blood flow to the genitals;
- reduced quality and time of an erection.
This amino acid plays an important role in maintaining male health, namely:
- improvement in sexual function;
- increasing the duration of an erection;
- increasing libido and sperm quality.
That is why men are recommended to include pine nuts in their diet. In addition, the amino acid arginine helps:
- relief of anxiety;
- the production of collagen;
- increase the body's defenses;
- increase the production of male hormones;
- normalization of the sexual system;
- growth of muscle tissue;
- normalization of blood pressure;
- improvement of sleep and memory.
Consumption of Siberian pine nuts is highly recommended for men who lead an active lifestyle with heavy physical exertion.
The daily rate of arginine in the body is about 4-6 grams. At the same time in cedar seeds its content in 100 g exceeds 2 g.
Zinc in pine nuts for men's health
Zinc, which is part of the Siberian pine fruit, is essential for men's health. It is involved in the production of testosterone - an important hormone responsible for normal functioning of sexual functions in men. The maximum concentration of this component falls on the prostate. Zinc deficiency seriously affects the health of men at any age.
Zinc-containing preparations are actively used to treat and prevent male diseases, including prostatitis and infertility. That is why it is recommended to include pine nuts in your diet - it is a natural source of zinc. It is worth noting that a large amount of this substance is withdrawn from the male body during ejaculation, so active sex life can cause zinc deficiency in the body.
The daily norm is 10-15 mg of zinc, while 100 g of pine nuts kernel contains up to 6 mg of this substance.
Vitamin E for men's health
Vitamin E deficiency in the male body leads to a number of diseases, so it is very important to keep its amount at the proper level. It is a powerful antioxidant, as it is also called the vitamin of youth, which protects the cells of the body from damage.
Useful properties of vitamin E for men:
- normalization of the work of reproductive organs;
- improvement of hormonal background and testosterone production;
- protection against prostate and bladder cancer;
- providing stamina and normal muscle reflexes;
- minimizing the risk of thrombosis;
- prevention of male infertility.
The kernels of pine nuts contain up to 9.3 mg of vitamin E, while the daily rate of this substance in the body is 15 mg.
Vitamin E is also essential during the period of planning and conception. This antioxidant improves the seminal fluid, stabilizing the functioning of the reproductive system.