Roasted almonds are a light and healthy snack, rich in vitamins and minerals. It has a pleasant taste. It can be prepared at home in two ways.
Roasting in the oven
Ingredients and items needed:
- 450 grams of almonds.
- Unrefined extra virgin olive oil, if necessary.
- Sealed utensil.
- Spatula.
- Two trays.
The preparation of the dish is carried out according to the following algorithm, as follows:
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. This usually takes about 20 minutes. In this case, it is undesirable to set a very high temperature. Otherwise, the product can burn or poorly roasted.
- Spread the nuts evenly on the tray in a single layer. You can pour a little olive oil on it or mix almonds in a separate bowl beforehand. You can also add spices to taste. You can use sea salt, black or red pepper and regular or brown sugar,
- Put the tray in the oven. It usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes to roast. The finished dish has a pleasant flavor and has a golden brown hue. While roasting, the fruits should be periodically stirred with a spatula, so that they do not burn and are evenly cooked. If the dish begins to burn badly, you need to remove the tray from the oven.
- Take the tray out of the oven when the food is cooked. It should be immediately transferred to a previously prepared container, on another tray or even on a paper napkin. On a hot surface, the almonds, due to their high oil content, will not stop roasting. This can lead to its overcooking.
- After cooling, pour the fruit into an airtight container with a lid. If you put them there not completely cooled, the nuts may be covered with mold or dampness. Such a dish is not suitable for eating. Plastic or glass containers are ideal for storing.
Almonds roasted in this way can be stored for nine to twelve months. For storage it is desirable to use a closet or pantry. It is important that it be dry, sufficiently dark and cool. If you used olive oil to prepare the dish, you can store it no longer than four weeks. In the refrigerator or freezer the product can be stored for up to two years.
If the product began to smell rancid or husky, you should throw it away and not consume it.
Frying in a pan
Ingredients and items needed:
- 230 grams unsalted almonds;
- One teaspoon of high quality olive oil;
- one half teaspoon of sea salt;
- frying pan;
- baking pan;
- spatula;
- spoon;
- bowl;
- utensils with a lid.
You can cook almonds in a pan according to the following algorithm:
- Put the almonds in a large bowl and mix them evenly with salt and oil. Instead of olive oil, you can use any vegetable oil or even water or lemon juice.
- Heat a frying pan, preferably a cast-iron one, over medium heat. If the fire is too high, the dish can burn. You can check the intensity of the fire by placing your hand 5-8 inches above the burner. If it is not too hot, the temperature is right for frying.
- Put the nuts in the pan for about five minutes. If the dish is ready, it will turn a golden brown color. The fruit should be stirred constantly with a spatula. After five minutes of roasting, taste one nut and assess its readiness. If it is not cooked, continue the process until the dish is cooked.
- Drop the cooked fruit onto a baking tray or parchment. This will allow them to dry quickly. Do not leave the product in the pan, as it can overcook and become unfit for food.
The almonds cooked by this method can be stored in a tightly closed container at room temperature. Preferably try a container of plastic or glass with a lid. For storage is great closet or other place where it is dark and dry. Shelf life is usually up to six weeks.