Pine nut husk is a useful product, on the basis of which tinctures, decoctions and infusions are prepared. This healing remedy, which is actively used in folk medicine for the treatment of a number of diseases. In the nutshells stored a large number of important for the health of micro- and macronutrients.
More than 90% of pine nutshells consist of carbohydrates, fiber and minerals. Biologically active substances are preserved even after heat treatment. Unlike the kernels, the husks contain less proteins and fats, but they are enriched with vitamin C, which helps to increase the body's defenses.
In the process of brewing and infusion, hulls release tannins, which have antiphlogistic and antiseptic effects. That is why folk medicine remedies prepared on the basis of pine nut shells are useful in the treatment of skin diseases and inflammations of the mucous membranes.
Of particular note is glutamic acid, which plays an important role in maintaining the synthesis of other amino acids and increase physical endurance. In addition, glutamic acid helps to increase the level of nitrogen in the body, which slows down the aging of cells and tissues.
The mineral composition of cedar husk is not as rich as that of the kernels, but it also contains important elements such as:
- sodium;
- magnesium;
- calcium;
- potassium;
- iron;
- manganese;
- copper;
- zinc;
- tin;
- titanium;
- barium.
These minerals have a positive effect on all processes in the body. The largest percentage in the composition of the shell is calcium. It is thanks to this component that pine nut husk is able to have an effective effect in the treatment and prevention of bone and joint diseases.
Indications for the use of pine nutshells
Home remedies prepared from the husks of cedar kernels are used to treat the following diseases:
- maxillitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, sore throat;
- Endometritis, menstrual disorders, hormonal imbalance, adnexitis;
- Eczema, acne, dermatitis of various etiologies, psoriasis, pustules;
- reduced immunity, osteochondrosis, arthritis, sciatica, gout;
- Capillary fragility, atherosclerosis, myocardial weakness;
- neuroses, nervous system disorders, sleep disorders;
- liver damage, bile flow and secretion disorders, hemorrhoids, gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers;
- prostatitis, infertility, prostate adenoma.
Useful properties of pine nutshells
The healing properties of the husk are due to its chemical composition. Consumption of pine nut shells in the form of tinctures or decoctions has the following effects:
- strengthening of the cardiovascular system;
- normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver;
- improvement of the skin;
- restoration and strengthening of the joints;
- normalization of blood pressure.
Consumption of cedar shells contributes to the overall strengthening of the body, removal of toxins and impurities, improving immunity.
Homemade ways to prepare pine nut husks
Depending on the therapeutic or preventive purposes from the shells can be prepared three types of remedies: decoction, tincture or water infusion.
Decoction is prepared as follows: poured boiling cedar husks and infused for about 15 minutes. Then it is strained and used for gargles.
Tincture of the shells can be used both internally and externally. For its preparation, a can of the product is poured with alcohol, and then corked and insisted for 10 days. It is recommended to insist it in a dark place.
An aqueous infusion of pine nut shells is used most often as a preventive measure. For its preparation, the raw material is poured over boiling water in a ratio of 2:1 and insisted for 2-3 hours. Strain the infusion ready for use.
Stretching and compresses based on tincture of cedar husks are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the joints and bones. Baths using decoction of the shells are also useful. This is a simple way to normalize the water-salt balance of the body and enrich tissues with calcium and other useful micro- and macroelements.