Home > Cedar nuts: how to properly use, cooking applications

Cedar nuts: how to properly use, cooking applications

Pine nuts are a source of women's health. They contain fiber, minerals, vitamins, healthy fats and amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of all systems in the body. They grow on the Siberian pine tree, which reaches a height of almost 45 meters. Botanically speaking, they are not nuts, but seeds collected in small cones.

Benefits of losing weight

Despite their high caloric content (673 kcal), pine nuts can be consumed on a regular basis without harming the figure. They promote fast satiety and do not affect the state of weight.

Nutritionists recommend including up to 30 g of pine seeds in your daily diet, which includes up to 200 kcal. This is an acceptable limit for dietary eating. Thus, only a handful of pine nuts can replace a full breakfast or dinner.

With the regular use of Siberian pine kernels it is acceptable to exclude or maximally reduce the consumption of meat and fish. The nuts already contain a large percentage of protein, which is almost completely assimilated by the body and can compensate for the lack of protein of animal origin. This is why pine seeds are so popular among vegetarians.

The high nutritional value of the seeds is due to their content of healthy fats. A large percentage is oleic and linoleic fatty acids, which play an important role in the prevention of obesity and diabetes. In addition, cedar kernels help reduce cholesterol and improve metabolism.

Normalization of hormonal background

Siberian pine seeds are a source of female youth and beauty. They contribute to the rejuvenation of the body, strengthen the hair and nails. Regular consumption of nuts can prevent the development of varicose veins, to which women are so prone. In addition, they improve hormonal status, have a positive effect on the female body during the menstrual cycle, with inflammatory processes of the genital system, relieve pain and menopausal symptoms.

Benefits during pregnancy

Pine nuts contain vitamins such as E, B, C, which increase immunity and are responsible for the proper development of the fetus. These are elements that are indispensable for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, prevention of inflammatory processes.

Pine nuts during pregnancy:

  • ensure normal development of the fetus, help form the fetus's nervous and naming systems, its brain;
  • help normalize the nervous system of women, improve sleep;
  • help strengthen the baby's bone tissue, ensure the absorption of calcium;
  • protect the fetus from the harmful effects of external factors;
  • support blood flow to the placenta and fetus;
  • reduce symptoms of toxicity, protect the liver, normalize protein and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • keeps the health of skin, nails and hair of women;
  • are useful for uterine tone, prevent cramps;
  • normalize blood clotting, reduce the likelihood of bleeding and ensure normal labor;
  • reduce the risk of premature birth, prevent hypertension in pregnant women;
  • help the body of the expectant mother better absorb iron, which reduces the risk of anemia.

Benefits after pregnancy

Pine seeds are also useful for the health of women after childbirth. Their use allows you to increase lactation. However, you should not forget that nuts saturate milk with a lot of oils. Therefore, if you exceed the allowable norm, the baby's body will not be able to cope with the assimilation of fatty milk.

Despite the fact that these are not really nuts, but pine seeds, they can also cause an allergic reaction when breastfeeding. Therefore, a nursing mother should introduce pine kernels to her diet gradually, monitoring the health of the baby. If there are no allergic reactions, the regular consumption of pine nuts will help maintain the health of both the woman and the baby.

Vitamin C contained in the product in large quantities, increases the immunity of the baby and nursing mother and protects against viruses. Fats and proteins replenish energy reserves, iron increases hemoglobin, mineral complex helps maintain the health of the cardiovascular system. In addition, cedar kernels heal cracked nipples and reduce the formation of stretch marks on the body of the mother.