Pine nuts is a generalized term that refers to the seeds of several tree species in the Pine family at once. These are the so-called pine trees that produce edible kernels. In Russia, the most popular are pine nuts growing on the tree of Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica).
Growing peculiarities
The Siberian pine usually reaches a height of at least 40 meters, and its maximum life span is about 5 centuries, and according to some studies - as much as 8. The ripe cones of the tree are large and elongated in shape. When formed, they are purple in color and brown when mature. This process takes about 15 months. The cones are at least 10 cm long. The harvesting period of Siberian pine falls in the fall, in September - October.
The cones of the cedar nut fall off entirely. Each contains up to 150 grains, which are called nuts. With one Siberian pine in the harvesting period manages to collect up to 10 kg of nuts for the entire season. The total weight of 1000 grains (seeds) is 250 grams.
The relatively high cost of pine nuts is due to the long process of bud maturation. Conventional pine trees on which they grow give a harvest only after 20-40 years. The abundant harvest is repeated after 5-10 years.
How a pine nut looks like
On the outside, pine nuts are light yellow grains with a pleasant, nutty flavor filled with light notes of pine. Most often they are sold already peeled and ready to eat.
Weight and size of pine nuts
The average weight of cedar seeds is 0.23 to 0.25 grams. Large grains are considered to be about 9 mm in size, medium grains are 7-9 mm, and small grains are 7 mm or less. The kernel makes up more than 40% of the total weight of the whole nut.
How to choose pine nuts
Pine nuts can be found on the market in various forms:
- The unpeeled kernels;
- Peeled seeds;
- Seeds with additives (glaze, chocolate, syrup, etc.).
The seeds in the cones are subject to the process of rotting more quickly and it is difficult to tell externally which of them are fresh and which have already gone bad.
The age of the pine nuts is the most important selection criterion. Old kernels not only have an unpleasant taste and smell, but can also be harmful to health. The color of the shell of fresh nuts should be even, without spots and other traces. Any deviation from the norm indicates that the nuts have already gone bad or are infected with parasites.
Both too dry and too wet seeds can be considered unripe. They should have optimum moisture content. It should not be confused with an abundance of moisture or oil.
Fresh cedar seeds should be the same size - the standard size of the kernels is about the size of a fingernail on a woman's pinky finger. The kernels should not have any extraneous odors. If the seeds have bitterness, dampness, mold, you should refrain from eating them. You should also not buy kernels with pronounced signs of disease or insect damage. If there is a large amount of debris in the package of cedar kernels, it indicates a low quality product that has been harvested and processed incorrectly.