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Almonds: calorie content

The caloric content of almonds worries many lovers of this product. It is important to know how many almonds it takes to get enough to eat. How caloric this product is also of interest to those who want to lose weight or to people with diabetes and some other diseases.

Almonds have been known for their health benefits for centuries. It appeared in Western Asia, where mankind first discovered its benefits. Subsequently, the product spread around the world. But it grows only in warm countries. It is believed that almonds are a nut. But it is not. He is a fruit with a bone like a plum. And its caloric value is not in doubt.

Calories, nutritional value and composition of the product

The caloric value of a 100 gram serving is 605 kcal. It also contains:

  • 19 grams of protein;
  • 13 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 52 grams of fats;
  • 7 grams of fiber;
  • 4 grams of water.

Such a portion is considered too caloric and oversaturated with various micronutrients. Therefore, 30 grams or 22-25 nuts are usually enough for a person per day. The caloric value of such a portion is equal to 194 kcal. But, according to some experts, even this figure is too high for most people. They are sure that in order to satiety it is necessary to eat only 7-10 fruits during the day.

Such a high caloric value is safe for a healthy person, if you observe the measure and do not overeat this product.  It is suitable even for people who are actively engaged in sports and watching the figure. Obesity from almonds is rarely diagnosed. It is possible only in case of overeating. But, despite this, people who are overweight are advised to consult a doctor before taking this fruit. The decision about the possibility of using it and the dosage is taken individually, depending on the health features of the patient with such a diagnosis.

Can diabetics eat almonds?

Despite the fact that almonds are recognized as an incredibly caloric product, there is no ban on its consumption by diabetics. The fact is that its glycemic index is only 15, provided that the fruit is unsalted and uncooked. Dangerous for diabetic patients is considered food that has an index of more than 40 units. At the same time, walnuts have a high energy value and contain a lot of proteins, carbohydrates and other useful substances. They are not contraindicated in this disease.

Just like normal people, diabetics can eat almonds pure, add them to drinks or salads or other dishes. It has a pleasant sweet taste, which is often lacking in such patients due to restrictions. Despite the safety of the product for such people, diabetics should consult their physician about the rules of use of this fruit.

What else does an almond nut contain?

In addition to its high caloric value, almonds contain many minerals and other substances that have positive effects on human health. It contains B vitamins, vitamin E, A and C, as well as iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc and other trace elements. Therefore, the product allows not only a tasty snack, but also get the right amount of useful elements. It is often able to replace the pharmacy vitamin complexes and even some medicines.