Almond Tree

Almonds grow on a tree capable of producing such fruit. It was originally a wild plant. But later, after mankind appreciated the taste and useful properties of the nuts, the plant became cultivated. Currently it is engaged in botanists, breeders, horticulturists and other specialists.

Almond tree has been known for centuries. It is of Asian origin. But today you can find it not only in Asia, but also in Europe, Africa and other parts of the world. Since it is a thermophilic plant, it is usually found in warm countries or requires special growing conditions.


Botanists call this plant Common Almond. It is a member of the Plum family and the Pink family. In fact, its fruit is not a nut. This folk name is a misnomer. In fact, it is a fruit with a seed. It resembles a plum in many ways


This plant has the following characteristics:

  • It has several species and varieties. Depending on this, the almond can be a small tree 5-8 meters high with leaves or a shrub 4-6 meters high. That said, wild trees are sometimes capable of reaching heights of up to 10 meters.
  • The plant grows well on stony soil and can cope with drought.
  • The trunk is 15-30 cm in diameter. It has brown or brownish bark with wrinkles.
  • The leaves are 5-10 cm long. They have a lanceolate shape and an emerald color. But the inner surface of the leaf is slightly lighter than the outer.
  • Depending on the region the plant flowers from February to May. The flowers have five petals. They are colored white, light pink, red or cream. The buds can be velvety. This is inherent in ornamental varieties.
  • During flowering, the tree exudes a faintly sweet or bitter aroma.
  • The buds are afraid of frost.
  • The fruit forms instead of a flower about 60-90 days after flowering begins.
  • The nut is 3-3.5 cm long and weighs 2-4 grams.
  • The fruits should be harvested from August to October, depending on the region.
  • The tree begins to bear fruit from about five years of age. The process is finally formed by ten years of life.
  • The plant usually bears fruit for 30 to 50 years. It can bear fruit every year.
  • - The life span of an almond tree is 100-150 years.
  • - Propagation is done by seeds, rootlets, shoots or grafting.
  • - There are wild and cultivated plants.
  • - There are ornamental and fruit almonds.
  • - The tree grows in regions with hot summers and warm winters.
  • - In Russia, almonds are found in some southern regions and in Dagestan.
  • - Cultivating the plant in colder climates requires more effort and is not always successful. It is usually impractical, as such plants are unable to bear fruit normally and produce a large crop.