Almond Oil

Although the fruit of the plant is not actually a nut, almond oil is widely known and valued throughout the world. It can be used for a variety of purposes. This product has been known to mankind since ancient times.

Almonds are known for having the highest oil content in comparison to other pitted trees and shrubs.  Its concentration is often 40-60 percent. It depends on the variety of nut and the region in which it grows.

Oil can be obtained from sweet and bitter varieties of the plant. To do this, the kernel is removed from the seeds of sweet almonds. It is first dried, ground, and then pressed by double cold pressing. The seeds of bitter varieties should be heated before pressing.

Storage and selection

Almond oil should be clear, without sediment and with a slight yellowish hue. It may have a faintly sweet odor. Sometimes there is no aroma at all. The product has a slight taste of nuts. The product should be stored in the refrigerator, be sure to close the container with the lid after use.

Area of usage

Almond oil is used as a food, for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, in cosmetology and not only.

Food use


Almond oil, like many other edible oils, has a caloric value of 884 kcal per 100 grams. It contains fats, carbohydrates, and various minerals and trace elements that are good for human health. Only the oil from the sweet fruit is used as food. It is used for dressing salads, baked goods, desserts and other dishes.


For the prevention and therapy of various diseases is recommended to use the product in the morning and evening, one teaspoon. It is effective in the following cases:

  • To strengthen the immune system.
  • - To reduce blood pressure.
  • To reduce cholesterol levels.
  • In the treatment of pneumonia.
  • In colds and sore throats, coughs.
  • In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • When insomnia.
  • To improve blood circulation.
  • When the problems of the musculoskeletal system.
  • To relieve pain in muscles, joints, ears and more.
  • When herpes and some other skin diseases.
  • To treat burns.
  • For the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • Swelling during pregnancy.
  • In pain during menstruation and diseases of the female reproductive organs.

The positive effect of taking this oral remedy is also possible in some other situations.


The oil of this fruit can be used externally for cosmetic purposes. Both sweet and bitter almonds are suitable for this purpose. It can be used alone or by adding it to other oils or other cosmetic compositions.

The product is suitable for skin, nail and hair care. It is recommended to use it warmed up a little. It is particularly effective for:

  • Rejuvenate and reduce inflammation of the skin.
  • Normalize the sebaceous glands.
  • Removing makeup.
  • Washing daily.
  • Hair Restoration.
  • Care for oily hair.
  • Strengthen and grow lashes.
  • Body massage.
  • Repair skin cracks.
  • Restore nails.

The oil composition can help in some other cases. Its use in medicine and cosmetology often requires prior consultation with a specialist. It is not a cure, but it may be used for the above purposes alone or in combination with various medicines.